The American Federation of Aviculture, Inc., promotes the advancement of aviculture through educational programs that support improved husbandry practices, conservation, research and legislative awareness.

Development of Fundamentals of Aviculture is made possible by a grant from Pet Care Trust, and by funding and other support from the Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center, and the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University.

Pet Care Trust logospacerSchubot logospacerTexas A and M logospacer

Fundamentals of Aviculture is completely self-paced in a "read-and-test" format.  Each quiz is scored and recorded automatically, so there is no need to wait for results.  No additional materials, books or workbooks are required.

The American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) is a provider of Continuing Education Units (CEU) for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians through the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE).

Fundamentals of Aviculture, Level 1

AFA offers these credits at no additional charge. If you are eligible to receive these units, please indicate that you need the Certificate of Attendance for the CEUs in your AFA Certificate Request form at the end of the course.

Fundamentals of Aviculture, Level I is $45 for all current AFA members.

The new Level II course will be offered at $125, with an introductory price of $75.

FOA Level I provides a foundation for the emerging science of aviculture. It is presented in nine chapters ranging from anatomy and physiology to avian behavior, from laws and regulations affecting aviculture to how to provide proper housing and prevent illness of birds in our care, and much, much more. Admission is $45 for current members of the American Federation of Aviculture Inc. Non-members can buy a one year membership and admission to the course for $85 on an individual basis. Family memberships allow for another member of the household to take the FOA I course for the $45 member price. Family membership plus one admission to the FOA I course is $90.

FOA II, Intermediate Aviculture, was written by Rick Jordan with editorial and content contributions by the following individuals:
Donald Brightsmith, PhD, Juan Cornejo, Jason Crean, Jim C. Hawley, Jr, Jeannine Meisle, Lyrae Perry, Matt Schmit, Linda Seger, and Robin Shewokis.

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The FOA Level II Course is offered in 15 chapters covering conservation and research, courtship and nesting, basic avian genetics, color mutations, hybrids, breeding stimuli, incubation, hand-rearing, non-parrot studies, basic microbiology, illnesses, first-aid, avian enrichment and more. Admission to this Level II course requires that all students complete Level I prior to enrollment. The introductory admission fee for the Level II course will be $75 for current AFA members. Non-members can also purchase a one year membership during admission. See the drop down options on the Payment page.

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